Sunday, June 3, 2007

June 3 Update

Hello. It's been a bit over a month and I'm just getting back to this. Showed it to Theresa, but she wasn't wild about the general idea of blogging. Ah well, think I'll add a few more things, just for grins and see where it goes.

We've had a busy month+ since my last post...the girls have finished dance class and had their recital at the local Warner Theater; Aunt Nancy of the many great photos she took is to the left.

The house in Maine is still in progress, and we hope to get up there to take our first real look in the next few weeks. The appliances are ordered, and the last payment has been made to the builder ... so now we just need to firm up our summer travel plans to take advantage of the place! Have included an updated photo, although you can't really tell much of a difference from the previous shots.

More to follow in the future...between business trips, high school reunions, and vacation plans, it's gonna be an interesting few months. Stay tuned for all the details.