Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 15 Update

Wow...time sure does fly! The first snow of the season in Erie occurred last week (while I was in in Kansas City), and the girls have started their second season of dance class at the Little Dance Studio. Life is good. Here is a Halloween photo of the girls and and the rest of the kids in the cul-de-sac.

In mid-October, Theresa and the girls came with me on a business trip to Tarrytown, NY and then we took a week off to go to the house in Maine. We thought it would likely be well past the "leaf peeping" season, but we lucked out. Apparently because there was a warm, dry fall, the leaves took their sweet time changing colors -- much to our delight. Here is a photo from the dock on Sand Pond. The picture doesn't really do it justice, but take our word for it when we say it took your breath away.

Finally, I've tried to upload a great little video of Evelyn helping Amanda to practice the piano...hope it turns out well.